Base plinths
for carports
The material of the carport and the strength of the timber affect how many base plinths are required. It is easy to find the right alternative in BCE’s plinth range since you can choose between seven different alternatives with different heights and load-bearing capacity.
Our experts are happy to help you choose just the right plinth and accessories needed for a successful structure. As well as calculate the number of plinths needed for a perfect result.
Easy to store temporarily
If the plinths need to be stored waiting for installation, it’s possible to stack the plinths on top of each other to avoid them taking up unnecessary space.
Take advantage of our wide range of accessories
Different mounting options provide flexibility when laying a foundation. BCE’s wide and versatile range of accessories also enables accurate side and height adjustments, as the prefabricated plinths have rails for easy attachment.
A broad assortment makes deciding easy.
BCE’s broad range of plinths are made so that you’ll always be able to find the right alternative for your needs. A good assortment simplifies the builder’s choice!